August i, Anno Societatus xlvi
I've begun work on determining the most commonly used charges in SCA heraldry. This is based around the number registered, and while there may be some repetition or inaccuracies in the counting, it will be good enough for my purposes. Period heraldic texts don't include every registerable charge, so I shall present the most common in each category (most common beasts, most common monsters, most common tools, et cetera)August x, Anno Societatus xlvi
The analysis of the frequency of charges in SCA heraldry continues, I have reached the half way point if one goes by alphabet alone. I've recorded A through to M, for a total of 269 categories with 74887 occurences between them.The most common charges so far are the Bordure, with 6283 occurences, and the Chief, with 5440 occurences. The Handle and Axle Bracket sit lonely on 1 each.August xi, Anno Societatus xlvi
I've completed my counting of the charges registered in the SCA. There are only 376 categories on my list, despite there being 269 after the first half of the alphabet. Many letters in the Ordinary are simply full of 'see elsewhere' links. The Bordure and Chief retain their chief positions as the most common charges, while the Handle and Axle Bracket are joined by a Sling, a Seed, and a Beast's Tongue, all with one registration each. The next step is to categorise each of these charge types and prepare the ordering.