
On this site, I will be using several period (or near to period) heraldic texts, each of them published for English heraldry. They are:
  • Dame Juliana Berners - The Boke of Saint Albans (1486) which I shall refer to as St Albans
  • John Bossewell - Workes of Armorie (1572) which I shall refer to as Bossewell
  • John Ferne - The Blazon of Gentrie (1586) which I shall refer to Ferne
  • Edmund Bolton - The Elements of Armories (1610) which I shall refer to as Bolton
  • John Guillim - A Display of Heraldrie (1611) which I shall refer to as Guillim
Each of these presents an interesting perspective on heraldry, and I will be attempting to provide an analysis of the more interesting information presented within. As I add new sources, I will go back and update previous posts, rather than adding extra posts on the same topic.

Any text that I copy from these sources will be modified to replace ſ (long s) with s, and any u/v and i/j differences changed to modern usage for ease of reading. In the older sources, particularly St Albans, there may be transcription errors as I struggle to decipher unfamiliar letter forms.